Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Breath of Fresh Air

               So, any childfree person can understand what I'm talk about. You know those douchebags that like to tell you just why you're a terrible person for not wanting kids? They suck. I don't walk up to parents and tell them why they're stupid for having kids, because I don't like talking to parents. But for some reason, some parents like fighting with childfree people. And not all childfree people want to argue their reasons for not wanting or having kids, to a lot of people it's a private thing. I'm one of those people who thinks it's pretty private, when it comes to talking to parents or anti-childfree people, I just say "It's none of your business."
                I think the real reason why parents lash out at childfree folk, is because they're frustrated by the stress free and happy nature of the childfree. After kids, those people lost the ability to be stress free! Once you lose your calm and happy life to kids, you really miss it! (I wouldn't know though, I'm still livin ' it ;)
Well, today I didn't meet one of those people - quite the opposite actually. A girl in one of my classes, Sarah, who sits next to me - me and her get along pretty well together and we like making fun of the weird things our teacher does. But today (not in a conversation about kids to start with) She was talking about wanting it to be summer so she could visit her friend's family in Hawaii, she talked about these little girls that live there and that one of the girls (about 2 yrs) who calls her Auntie Sarah. Her and the little girl get along very well together. I thought it was cute, and I told her I really don't get along well with children (I didn't come right out and tell her I don't want kids for fear that she might be pro-mommy) So we continued to talk about my uncomfortable experiences but I forgot exactly what we said, I do remember though, that to my relief/surprise, she said "Yeah, I never want children!" No way! This girl is my age. I've never ever met anyone else my age who doesn't want kids. So I say in a weird spastic way "Oh me neither! All my 'friends' tell me I'll change my mind but I've never met someone who feels the same way as I do." It was a nice surprise because we are friends but we usually only talk in that one class. So I tell her, "I don't want kids because I want to travel and have a nice clean home without any..." And at the same time we say "Toys!" 
We both want to get married to someone, we just won't have kids in our future. I have a pretty good feeling about her :)

That was cheesy.
Mmmm cheesy.


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